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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

I think about Elvis a lot. He was once the king. If anyone should have been able to avoid suffering it would have been Elvis. However. His life was an ordeal of emptiness and sorrow that ended in a drug overdose that killed him while sitting on the toilet lol. So this makes me think. If the king couldn't find real happiness, is there any hope for me? For you?

The Buddha taught that we suffer because we crave what we cannot have. Whatever we have, we want more. There is always something else, something that would make our lives just right. My neighbor with the corvette probably wants a ferrari, or an airplane. Or he's probably no happier with his corvette than I am with taking public transit in -20. I'd like an unlimited visa card and to fuck jennifer anniston but it probably isn't going to happen. It eats away at us. The things I want literally drive me away from others and into bed where I can sulk about everything I do not have. And lately, I am hardly alive...

Later never exists. Be here now. Now. Now. Now. Be more. More. More. More.

Shut the fuck up Buddha. I know I am fucked.

People wonder about Elvis.
How it could have gone so wrong.
Maybe he wanted something he couldn't have.
Something he couldn't even name.

More than anything, I fear losing what I already have. Change is truly the only thing that does last forever. We move, change jobs, take up causes, lose interest in them, fall in and out of love. I know that it's not always a bad thing. I know that I don't want to be the way I am now forever.